Brinjal Fry recipe in Indian Sign Language (ISL)

Oh! It is tasty and short recipe from Brinjal, can be taken with meals instead of pickles. Few minutes of worth… true Brinjal lover will love this.

  1. 8 Pieces of Brinjal
  2. Turmeric powder
  3. Chili powder
  4. Salt
  5. Water
  6. Oil
  1. In a mixing bowl add 2 spoon chili, turmeric powder and salt.
  2. Then pour water and mix them well to make a paste.
  3. Mix the pieces of Brinjal into paste from both the sides.
  4. Heat the oil in a wok.
  5. Add Brinjal pieces into heating oil and close the lid.
  6. After some time open the lid and fry it from both the sides till it turns yellowish red.
  7. Brinjal fry is ready…